Free development of 100 pictures

Free development

The best offer to find on the net today, when it comes to development of pictures, must be the offer that FUJIdirekt give to their members.

Free development of 100 pictures

Fujidirekt give you 100 pictures for free. You will just have to pay for the postal service fee. The fee is only 29SEK and you will recieve you pictures within 2 days.

First you sign up for free with Fujidirect - go to webpage - and then you will be able to upload you image, from an folder containing your images or you may chose to upload you images one by one (that option is time-consuming). After uploading, you just checkout and wait for postman to deliver you really great REAL photopaper images!


4 Responses to “Free development of 100 pictures”

  1. Göran Karlsson skriver:

    Jag vill gärna få gratis framkallning av 100 bilder!

  2. admin skriver:

    Göran, det är klart du ska få det. Klicka på knappen uppe till höger eller på bannern till höger. Lycka till med din framkallning!

  3. aljilj sonki skriver:

    Jag vill gärna Grattis, 100 bild

    • admin skriver:

      Aljilj för att hämta din gratis framkallning från FujiDirekt kan du klicka på knappen uppe till höger eller på bannern till höger.
      Lycka till med din framkallning!

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